Effects of untreated hearing loss
Hearing loss is commonly found amongst people above 60 years of age. On average, people who have been diagnosed with hearing loss, wait for 10 years before seeking treatment. However, delaying treatment for 10 years may cause them to miss out on doctor's advice, unable to communicate effectively with loved ones and many more.
Reasons for putting it on hold vary. Perhaps they may feel that their condition isn’t very severe? Perhaps, they did not even realize that they have hearing loss? Or perhaps some may be afraid that hearing loss is a sign that they are old? No matter the reason, untreated hearing loss is detrimental to our health as it can lead to serious consequences in the long run, such as mental issues.
Imagine going to your grandchild’s birthday party, but because of your hearing loss you are unable to pick-up on conversations and decide to sit by yourself during the party. The outcome is that you feel lonely and upset because you can’t participate in conversations while everyone else is having a good time.
You may relate to this, as people with hearing loss tend to struggle with communicating, which can lead to loneliness, sorrow, social isolation and ultimately depression. Ample research shows that there is a connection between hearing loss and depression. In fact, according to a study done in 2019, 1 in 5 hearing-impaired older adults have symptoms of depression.
Other than depression, hearing loss can negatively affect one’s career and personal life. For example, people with untreated hearing loss may become more anxious about mishearing requests or not being able to hear phone calls. Due to their constant anxious mindset of “did I miss anything out?”, it increases the risk of depression.
Many have a misconception of untreated hearing loss happening only amongst the older population. But that is not true! In fact, it happens to kids too. According to research, 1 to 3 out of every 1000 children are born with hearing loss. When hearing loss is diagnosed early, parents should immediately get the necessary treatments. This is because when their child’s hearing loss get untreated, the child may face psychological consequences. The child may have difficulties understanding, conversating and playing with their classmates. They may feel that they do not fit in and that ultimately leads to a low self-esteem.
Besides psychological effects of untreated hearing loss, many research showed that hearing loss can lead to dementia, especially untreated hearing loss. According to a study in Washington University, hearing loss shrinks some parts of the brain responsible for auditory response. It also showed that brain cells in people with hearing loss are less active. According to another study, results showed that even with a mild hearing loss, people’s chance of having a cognitive impairment is 30% higher than others who do not have hearing loss. Cognitive impairment is when one has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating or making a decision.
If you’re noticing hearing troubles in yourself or your loved ones, don’t delay! Prompt treatment can help you or your loved ones to stay engaged with the world and avoid social isolation.